Today i landed in Placentia, CA at Andy's (his name is not a funny color because he never blogs anymore....guilt.) folk's house. I'm so grateful that they agreed to take me in while I register at school and find a place of my own.
I logged 525 miles today. I added a few miles so that I could pay dollars to drive across the Golden Gate Bridge. I glad I did because then I crossed over to I5 and had the, straightest most uneventful drive of my life. The first few vineyards and orchards were pretty. then all I saw for 400 miles were vineyards, orchards, and dead grass. Luckily, i was prepared. Today's music selections included:
- this dope-ass mix that Katie made me for the drive
- Jeremy Enigk "World Waits"
- Frightened Rabbit "The Midnight Organ Fight"
- Damien Jurado "Caught In the Trees"
- Bruce Springsteen "Darkness on the Edge of Town"
- Wilco "Sky Blue Sky"
- Patty Griffin "1000 Kisses"
- Margot and the Nuclear So and So's "The Dust of Retreat"
- Sarah Masen "The Dreamlife of Angels"
- Bob Dylan "Blood on the Tracks"
- Ben Lundquist "Afterthoughts"
maybe today was awesome afterall...minus the swass.